GCSC Institutional Review Board (GCSC IRB)
Mission statement:
The GCSC IRB Committee will comply with the OHRP regulation to protect human subjects from physical or psychological harm by reviewing research protocols and related materials submitted to the IRB Committee. The Committee will revise the submitted research project, assesses its research ethics and methodology, review how it promotes fully informed and voluntary participation of prospective subjects capable of making such choices (if that is not possible, informed permission given by a suitable proxy), and seeks to maximize the safety of subjects. After extensive review of the documents, the GCSC IRB Committee will approval/disapproval the project informing each researcher of its determination.
Rules, Regulations & Principles:
GCSC IRB assures that all of its activities related to human subjects research, will be in compliance with federal mandates regulations and procedures stated in the Code of Federal Regulations, Title 45, Part 46, Protection of Human Subjects (45 CFR 46), and the Terms of the Federalwide Assurance (FWA). This assurance will be guided by the Belmont Report statement of Principles. The report follows the following ethical standards:
- Respect for persons- individuals should be treated as autonomous agents; persons with diminished autonomy are entitled to additional protection.
- Beneficence-do no harm; maximize benefits and minimize harms.
- Justice- requires that individuals and groups be treated fairly and equitable in terms of bearing the burdens and receiving the benefits of research.
Steps to follow:
Each applicant will have to submit an application package, even those who believe to the exempt. Incomplete packages will not be evaluated.
For the application package please contact the IRB chair, Kelli Walsingham, at kwalsingham@gulfcoast.edu.
The Chair will send you the application package and instructions.
Types of Research:
There are three types of research:
- Exempt research
- Expedited
- Full Board (will not be review during the Summer)
Please visit HHS.gov Office for Human Research Protections for the specifics.
The IRB Committee consist of an interdisciplinary and diverse group of faculty, administrators, and staff, as well as an external community member.
Institutional Review Board Members | |
Dr. Kelli Walsingham | Institutional Review Board Chair |
Ursula Backus | |
Todd Brister | Nonaffiliated with GCSC- Community Member |
Kelli Spriggs | |
Jennifer Barber | |
Lacy Newsom | Health Science Representative |
Melanie Pendergrass | |
Melanie Pelton |
S. Department of Health & Human Services Office for Human Research Protection:
Am I doing a Human Subject Research? Questionnaire